‘Awakening to a New Mind’ is our latest book.
The valued aim of society is for people to survive.
Whereas our cosmic interest is in people coming alive!
Are you prepared?
People will soon awaken to a new zone of existence acknowledged cosmically as the Fifth Dimension.
Planet Earth and its human-styled creatures are soon to be involved in a massive shake-up of planetary rearrangement. The eyes of humans are to open to the dawning of a New Day and a New Mind.
Present day confusion, pressure and turbulence in mind and memory as evidenced globally are precursors to a cosmic rearrangement.
Every human child being born into planetary life today has the gifted potential to access cosmic consciousness.
We in the role of cosmic pioneers offer a new understanding of worth as a measure of firmness in foundation. Are you aware that everything that has been offered as scientific knowledge on the planet to this time has only been proportional?
In the role of cosmic guides, we offer greater understanding entering a life of improved Health, increased Wealth, and building enduring relationships with endearing qualities.
Explanations so far given on life mysteries are like workings on a jigsaw puzzle that has some central pieces missing.
“Love is All”