
Simplicity in words is our forte in mind, mood and motion. However, the input of cosmic information when delivered carries an impact, which we describe as hard yards of contention. Like the cud of a cow contemplation requires a sequence of extra chewing to gain a fuller benefit than what is attained from meditation.

The release of pain and fear that constantly causes illness and accidents can be achieved quickly by the elimination of waste material that clutters the memories of the psychic mind. This new level of cosmic intelligence assists the mind to work in a similar fashion like that of a cleansing fire.

The energy field of intelligence resident within the psychic brain cells is nourished and further built from the resound of constant questioning and deliberations built from responses. Similar to a piano in its stillness will not offer a responsive note unless a key is struck. An awakening of the Cosmic Mind is an atonement of past memory engaging with present day circumstances. The outcomes determine developed minds of greater understanding for the benefit of furthering human progress.