Many books have I read
Many paths I’ve been led
To seek the eternal truth
And I’ve heard people say
This or that is the way
Secure in their illusion of proof
They told me of a god
Who gave the devil a prod
Working to enact humility
Some spoke of the lame
Who they seemed to blame
For losing sight of eternity
Each one as they prayed
Lay on a bed they had made
Of faults and fears from belief
They were caught in their pride
No matter how hard they tried
Lies only offered temporary relief
When my footsteps had turned
The one thing I had learned
That nothing existed above
Nor below for that matter
And inane religious chatter
Diminished the feeling of love
Though love is around
It’s not so easily found
Where should one start to begin
It is really quite unfair
When Love’s not out there
The search has to start within